What started out as an amazing week having come home from a really fantastic getaway with my boo, quickly turned into an extremely displeasing, ironic and unfortunate week. In a nut shell, I shattered my iPhone screen and fried my Macbook Pro all within 48 hours. Fortunately both are provided to me through my work place; unfortunately I lost everything personal. I could go on about this but honestly I’m too sad to, and I am still crossing my fingers the files can be retrieved tomorrow. Good vibes to me p.l.e.a.s.e.!
Tights season! Let me know if you’ve seen any great basic thick knit tights out there like the above. I could wear these every day and I can’t remember where I bought these last year.
Oh, one more thing. This Mercury Retrograde everyone’s speaking of has got me all freaked out and I have to get on a plane next week. Make it go away.