What inspires me most about this blog space is my consistent referencing. Its like little pieces of personal history. Life’s curated creative bits. My story and passions. Connecting with the outside world. And most importantly, it’s all mine. I want to thank the people who have given me the kind words and confidence that motivates me to continue. Without you I would have no outlet.
In saying that, I’ll use this time to catch up on life events. 2013 has certainly provided Jeff and I with many. In the last 3 months we’ve been through an insulation and sheetrock project, backyard renovation (pictures to come), a shihtsu knee surgery and a family of rats nesting in our basement (one would wonder why I share this?)… and all at once! Our house literally went from being in beautifully perfect working order to complete chaos for months. Repainting every wall, furniture everywhere, muddy backyard, a dog that can’t walk in our house because of our steep stairs and slippery hardwoods (but thinks he can), and a foul scent of rat decomposition. Well I, Michele Ann Wright report live tonight that all said obstacles have been resolved and the Wright’s will now begin their summer.
Bike ride Sunday’s in full stride.