Do you ever wish time could stop in one moment, long enough to just BE, absorbing every detail, sound and feeling surrounded by that moment? As I spend the last week of 2013’s existence staring out onto one of earths most magical places, I find myself holding my breathe wishing for more time.
Never closing our blinds to the sea we watch the crab boats inch closer and closer to shore in the dark of the night. The sun is rising now and the tide is hugging the beach, erasing yesterdays footprints, forming a fresh start. The ocean is singing and the sky is grey making it difficult to see where the ocean and sky meet. Jeff is still sleeping. I can’t wait to get out in the ocean air, it’s going to be a beautiful blue sky day.
Every year my family comes down to Cannon Beach the day after Christmas to spend time together. We stay at the most adorable beach funky Inn on Cannon Beach’s shore just steps from Haystack Rock where my family has been visiting since my dad and aunt were children. I have fond memories as a child here and adore my families sense of humor, we are always laughing. I can remember my dad getting me excited that he found a great big seashell, when I reached down to pick it up it crumbled in my hand, it was bird poo! The beach isn’t called the beach, we call it the bitch. So imagine taking your dogs out and saying, “lets go kick sand on the bitch” or “lets go pee and poop on the bitch”. This year we’re missing my dad, brother and his wife and kids but next year we’ll do it all over again. Until then, I’m absorbing every moment one day at a time.
You cut around your design to remove the extra background and then you can just scratch away any negative space. It is clear but you can kind of tell there is something clear there. It scratches off really easy though. I am excited to try and use it on colored knits as well.
graphic tees