Tshirt : American Apparel
Vest : Aritzia
Leggings : Shop Adorn (M Rena Tummy Tuck Leggings)
Shoes : Madewell
Our home for the past 8 years has been turned over to the buyers as of Monday. I can’t even start to explain the pain I had walking out the front door for the very last time. The memories were pulling at every limb of my body as I closed the door behind me. The thought of our two girls never getting to experience living there or walking those cute streets of our neighborhood aches me. The details and time we put into touching every inch inside and out to make that house ours; it brings tears to my eyes.
Inexplicably weird pregnancy dreams are nothing new around here. I recently dreamt I was traveling for vacation and work for 3 straight weeks, then returned home to pack an entire house and store it all within two weeks, meanwhile frantically searching for a house or apartment for our growing family. Well, it happened, May 2014 in my mind will always be known as one long dream of chaos because I’m pretty sure I wasn’t awake for any of it. Thankfully it ended with finding a roomy home that we close on in just one short week.
Aside from traveling, house hunting, packing and waiting to close on our new house, this quiet time Jeff and I get to spend together during this lull is thoroughly enjoyed. I personally have not experienced this kind of down time since my first trimester when I couldn’t bare to show my face in public from nausea. My mom and step dad are gracious and brave enough to take the homeless in, along with the hairy kid and the remaining crap we couldn’t fit in storage. And, we love them for it. My mom is the most generous, loving, and care-taking human on this planet and am so thankful for this time with her and my step dad again. I’m not sure why I ever moved out.
Amid all of this I am consistently reminded that something pretty fascinating is happing inside of me. It’s pretty surreal to be interrupted during the most mundane parts of my day by these little ladies. Just reminding their mommy that they’re going to be the most important piece in her life. Life is feeling so different, so unfamiliar, and so amazing.
Love it! Your'e so cute!