It’s the moments surrounding this celebration that are the most entertaining. Costco sized tubs of Tums that accompany me at every meal. Checking my ankles everyday to see if they are as big as they feel. And somehow forgetting that I have a soccer ball attached to my front side and can’t fit through small spaces sideways anymore.
I am happy to be here at these six months. It’s been a distracting period of time in my life where I haven’t been able to listen to my body fully. Until the twins move, nothing really changes or stops in it’s place. Everyone around me continues on with what they are doing, unaware that I am getting to secretly memorize everything about these tiny girls as we share this space together. In these moments, It feels like it’s just us.
Today Jeff and I signed on our new house. I don’t even know what to do with myself I’m so excited. You know when you’ve wanted something so badly, it consumes your every thought? I can’t tell you how many lists I’ve made organizing a game plan, listing out projects and have gathered every little thing to have at hand for that day we get our keys. For some reason I feel as if those lists and game plans will wash to the wayside once we’re in the space. I hope I’m able to be at peace with this process of moving into a home that needs TLC, all over again. I keep chiming… “One room at a time, one room at a time”.
You look adorable! Where are your shoes from?
Madewell! 🙂 I bought them last summer though. eBay might have them tho. Thank you for the compliment.