One month ago yesterday Jeff and I celebrated these two amazing humans, Elena and Adam Watanabe. There isn’t anything this girl can’t do nor is there a sweeter soul then hers. For example, you need a website built? …she’s the gal. A necklace designed, welded and brought to life? …done, she’s got you! Need a compliment to feel good about yourself? …she will shower you. Photo session needs? …she’s my go to. Graphic design question? …she has the answer. It’s kind of amazing because she doesn’t just brush the surface of any of the above, she masters at ALL of them.
Elena, I love you and couldn’t be happier for you and Adam. There isn’t anyone I know more deserving then YOU!
I write this post as I march into my 34th week of pregnancy, that’s half way into my 8th month. Holy shit! Reflecting back on these 8 months I get so proud of my body and what it can do. There wasn’t a day that passed I wasn’t fearful at the possibility of losing these two baby girls that we’ve been waiting so long for. But, as I reach the end I begin to think that this feeling never leaves a parent no matter what age their child is at. I’ve never felt so close to my own mother as I do right now. I now understand her crying at every first day of school or waiting up at night until I came home in my teenage years. I’m 34 years old and I still have to text her when I arrive somewhere safely even if it’s just the Oregon coast! I know I am going to be the exact same way. Life will forever be changed… amen!