We moved into our home exactly 2 years ago this month. I remember thinking about the times we’d have in the future, with our own children running amok amidst loud giggles in and out of the house, with watermelon dribbles, stubbed toes and friends, lots of friends. It was a distant thought, like something we wouldn’t see for years, and by years I mean decades because well, growing from a 5 pound itty bitty baby to a talking, self eating toddler really should not happen in just 20 months. Luckily I’m among a hefty group of new parents that can fully understand the exact moment I’m in, we’re all in really, because life is short, but it’s even shorter when you live through the eyes of your littlest adventurer. And poof, just like that they’re 35 years old saying the same thing with their own children.
It’s not uncommon for someone to ask me what it’s like to raise twins when I’m out with them. My answer is always a guilty conscious from having to split precious time between two growing babies. With that, I take my hat off to moms of multiples at different ages, doing completely different things at different times and spreading time between each so gracefully. Some days I have Marlowe on my hip all day. But it’s been like this from day one. I can remember getting incredibly upset at the baby owning the upper right quadrant of my belly who was kicking me to death whenever i’d sit down to relax at night, quite literally to the point I’d have to push my hand down on her and yell for her to go back to sleep. I knew from those later months of my pregnancy that this little Marlowe of ours would be a little more needy, authoritative and sensitive. And the bottom left quadrant baby, our little Macie Lou, she’d be our quiet, independent, care taking sweetheart. It’s almost as if they were paired to be raised side by side, Macie always knowing sissy would need more attention. And Marlowe stepping aside when Macie needs me to focus on her. It’s a beautiful relationship, one I’m so honored to be a part of.
So anyways, that felt good to chat proud mom talk. Now back to friends, lots of friends, and watermelon dribbles and stubbed toes, and kicking off the Fourth of July weekend by opening our home to our closest friends (at least the ones left in town) for beer, bbq and babies. A little photo evidence below…

and the fourth continues, party II…

I love everything about the new blog because most importantly you can tell every word and photo posted comes straight from your heart. So so proud of you!!
Thank you Love! Super excited to be done with this step. Love the support. xoxo