I promised myself last year that we’d have a quieter, more intimate birthday for these sweet 2-year-olds and that’s just what we did. Unlike last year, the girls had absolutely no interest in eating any of their cake, rather suck every drop of homemade frosting off every inch of the exterior. With a little help, they carefully unwrapped each gift and played with it before moving on to the next one.
You know, I think I already had my “my babies are two and I’m going to let my eyes get red about it for a second” moment while I was wrapping their presents. But last night, my last night of singing and giggling them to sleep as 23-month-olds, I was alright. It was the fastest they’d fallen asleep in a long time. So even though they’re two years older than on the day we first met, these moments haven’t changed at all. In fact Marlowe still enjoys me holding her like a baby, with her binky as I rock and sing to her. So to that i’m grateful.
There aren’t enough words in the world to express how much we love you two and how happy you make us every single day.